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- /********************************************************************
- * *
- * Joukowski Airfoil Generator with Streamline and Pressure *
- * Distribution Algorithms *
- * *
- * Written by: Russell Leighton 15 March 1987 *
- * Lancaster, CA *
- * Modified by: David Foster 19 June 1988 *
- * Rochester, MI *
- * To include effect of induced circulation *
- * by a first order approximation. *
- ********************************************************************/
- #include "airfoil.h"
- main()
- {
- float rs,theta,h,vel,eta,S;
- int psi;
- ULONG MessageClass;
- open_things();
- do_about();
- /****************/
- /* Loop forever */
- /****************/
- for(;;)
- {
- while (Continue)
- {
- /****************************************************/
- /* Wait, initially and after each plot, for user to */
- /* bring up the double menu requester */
- /****************************************************/
- Wait(1L<<w->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- if((message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(w->UserPort)) != NULL)
- {
- MessageClass = message->Class;
- ReplyMsg(message);
- if (MessageClass == REQVERIFY)
- {
- do_request();
- break;
- }
- } /* end if */
- } /* end while */
- do_init();
- if(mode)
- {
- /********************/
- /* Plot Streamlines */
- /********************/
- for (psi = 12;psi > 0;--psi)
- {
- do_mess();
- if(!Continue) break;
- SetAPen(rp,(long)(psi+1));
- SetBPen(rp,(long)(psi+1));
- for (theta = 0.015;theta < TWO_PI;theta += PI/100)
- {
- vel = psi/(4.*velocity*r*sin(theta));
- S = (1.+sin(alpha)/sin(theta));
- vel = abs(S/(2.*vel));
- eta = sqrt(vel*vel+1.0)-vel;
- rs = r*(1.+eta)/(1.-eta);
- transform(rs,theta);
- } /* end for */
- AreaEnd(rp);
- } /* end for */
- /*******************************/
- /* Plot Stagnation Streamlines */
- /*******************************/
- do_mess();
- if(Continue)
- {
- SetAPen(rp,1L);
- h = (r-4.0)/40.0;
- theta = -alpha;
- for (rs = 4;rs >= r;rs += h)
- {
- transform(rs,theta);
- }
- theta = PI + alpha;
- for (rs = 4;rs > r;rs += h)
- {
- transform(rs,theta);
- }
- } /* end if */
- } /* end if */
- else
- {
- /******************************/
- /* Plot Pressure Distribution */
- /******************************/
- do_mess();
- if(Continue)
- {
- SetAPen(rp,2L);
- SetBPen(rp,2L);
- for (theta = 0.0;theta <= TWO_PI;theta += PI/100)
- {
- rs = r+(sin(theta)+sin(alpha))*(sin(theta)+sin(alpha));
- transform(rs,theta);
- } /* end for */
- AreaEnd(rp);
- } /* end if */
- } /* end else */
- /****************/
- /* Plot Airfoil */
- /****************/
- do_mess();
- if(Continue)
- {
- rs = r;
- SetAPen(rp,1L);
- SetBPen(rp,1L);
- for (theta = 0.0;theta <= TWO_PI;theta += PI/100)
- {
- transform(rs,theta);
- }
- AreaEnd(rp);
- } /* end if */
- } /* end forever */
- } /* end main */
- do_init()
- {
- float a0;
- SetAPen(rp,0L);
- RectFill(rp,(long)(XMIN+1),(long)(YMIN+1),(long)(XMAX-1),(long)(YMAX-1));
- SetOPen(rp,1L);
- /***********************************************************/
- /* Calculate circle constants (circle center and radius) */
- /* from airfoil constants through a reverse transformation */
- /***********************************************************/
- alpha = (float)angle*PI/180;
- c = (float)camber/25;
- t = (float)thickness/25;
- a = 0;
- b = c/2;
- do
- {
- a0 = a;
- a = t*(2*a0+1)/4/sqrt(b*b+2*a0+1);
- b = c*(1+2*a)/(2+2*a);
- }
- while(abs(a-a0) > TOL);
- r = sqrt(b*b+(a+1)*(a+1));
- Continue = TRUE;
- }
- do_mess()
- {
- ULONG MessageClass;
- /******************************************************************/
- /* Check for double menu requester. This can be brought up at any */
- /* time but can not be displayed unless the message is replied */
- /* to, therefore this routine must be called periodically. */
- /******************************************************************/
- if((message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(w->UserPort)) != NULL)
- {
- MessageClass = message->Class;
- ReplyMsg(message);
- if(MessageClass == REQVERIFY) do_request();
- }
- ixo = XCEN;
- iyo = YCEN;
- }
- transform(rs,theta)
- float rs,theta;
- {
- float x,y,z,u,v;
- int PLOT;
- long ix,iy,cx,cy;
- /********************************************************************/
- /* This is the Joukowski transformation routine. This is also where */
- /* the plotting is done. Plotting is usually done using the area */
- /* fill routines (AreaDraw & AreaMove). If FILL is true then the */
- /* points are used to build up the area shape to be filled. See the */
- /* Rom Kernal manual containing the graphics primatives for more */
- /* details. If FILL is false then normal plotting is done. */
- /********************************************************************/
- x = rs*cos(theta-alpha)+a;
- y = rs*sin(theta-alpha)+b;
- z = 1/(x*x+y*y);
- u = x*(1+z)*cos(alpha)-y*(1-z)*sin(alpha);
- v = y*(1-z)*cos(alpha)+x*(1+z)*sin(alpha);
- ix = (long)(SFAC*u+XCEN);
- iy = (long)(YCEN-SFAC*v);
- if(FILL)
- {
- cx = ix;
- cy = iy;
- /*************************************************************/
- /* This subroutine also clips the display area, hence the */
- /* following statements. Contrary to the what the Rom Kernal */
- /* manual states, all clipping must be done by the program */
- /* if the area fill routines are used otherwise a nasty */
- /* crash will result if plotting takes place out of bounds. */
- /* Only the x values are clipped accurately since, for this */
- /* routine only the x values at the boundary need to be */
- /* accurate. The PEN parameter indicates the pen status for */
- /* moves and draws as set by either PENUP or PENDOWN. */
- /*************************************************************/
- if((ix <= XMIN) && (ixo > XMIN))
- {
- cy += (float)(iyo-iy)*(XMIN-ix)/(ixo-ix);
- cx = XMIN;
- }
- else if((ixo <= XMIN) && (ix > XMIN))
- {
- iyo += (float)(iy-iyo)*(XMIN-ixo)/(ix-ixo);
- ixo = XMIN;
- AreaDraw(rp,ixo,iyo);
- }
- else if((ix >= XMAX) && (ixo < XMAX))
- {
- cy += (float)(iyo-iy)*(XMAX-ix)/(ixo-ix);
- cx = XMAX;
- }
- else if((ixo >= XMAX) && (ix < XMAX))
- {
- iyo += (float)(iy-iyo)*(XMAX-ixo)/(ix-ixo);
- ixo = XMAX;
- AreaDraw(rp,ixo,iyo);
- }
- if((ixo > XMIN) && (ixo < XMAX)) PLOT = TRUE;
- if(cy < YMIN) cy = YMIN;
- if(cy > YMAX) cy = YMAX;
- if(PLOT)
- {
- if(PEN) AreaDraw(rp,cx,cy);
- else { AreaMove(rp,cx,cy); PENDOWN; }
- }
- ixo = ix;
- iyo = iy;
- }
- else
- {
- if(PEN) Draw(rp,ix,iy);
- else { Move(rp,ix,iy); PENDOWN; }
- }
- }
- do_request()
- {
- ULONG MessageClass;
- /***************************************************************/
- /* This subroutine is activated when the double menu requester */
- /* is brought up. It handles all input from this requester. */
- /***************************************************************/
- if(title) ShowTitle(s,FALSE);
- for (;;)
- {
- Wait(1L<<w->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- if((message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(w->UserPort)) != NULL)
- {
- MessageClass = message->Class;
- ReplyMsg(message);
- switch (MessageClass)
- {
- case GADGETUP :
- case GADGETDOWN : if (do_gadgets(message) == CLOSE_GAD)
- {
- if(title) ShowTitle(s,TRUE);
- return;
- }
- break;
- } /* end switch */
- } /* end if */
- } /* end forever */
- }
- int do_gadgets(mes)
- struct IntuiMessage *mes;
- {
- struct Gadget *igad;
- int gadgid;
- /*********************************************/
- /* This subroutine handles all gadget input. */
- /*********************************************/
- igad = (struct Gadget *)mes->IAddress;
- gadgid = igad->GadgetID;
- switch(gadgid)
- {
- case CAMBER_GAD : camber = (ULONG)camber_string.LongInt;
- Continue = FALSE;
- break;
- case THICK_GAD : thickness = (ULONG)thick_string.LongInt;
- Continue = FALSE;
- break;
- case ANGLE_GAD : angle = (ULONG)angle_string.LongInt;
- Continue = FALSE;
- break;
- case VELOCITY_GAD : velocity = (ULONG)(16-(velocity_prop.HorizPot >> 12));
- Continue = FALSE;
- break;
- case AIRFOIL_GAD : if(mode) mode = FALSE;
- else mode = TRUE;
- Continue = FALSE;
- break;
- case TITLE_GAD : if(title) title = FALSE;
- else title = TRUE;
- break;
- case CLOSE_GAD : break;
- case QUIT_GAD : close_things();
- exit(0);
- break;
- }
- return gadgid;
- }
- do_about()
- {
- int i;
- /*****************************************************/
- /* This subroutine displays the initial information. */
- /*****************************************************/
- SetAPen(rp,0L);
- RectFill(rp,(long)(XMIN+1),(long)(YMIN+1),(long)(XMAX-1),(long)(YMAX-1));
- SetAPen(rp,1L);
- for(i = 0;i < 24;i++)
- {
- Move(rp,2L,(long)(8*i+8));
- Text(rp,about[i],(long)strlen(about[i]));
- }
- }
- open_things()
- {
- struct Library *OpenLibrary();
- struct Screen *OpenScreen();
- struct Window *OpenWindow();
- struct ViewPort *ViewPortAddress();
- BYTE *AllocRaster();
- if(!(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L)))
- {
- printf("no graphics library!!!\n");
- close_things();
- exit(1);
- }
- mask |= GRAPHICS;
- if(!(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0L)))
- {
- printf("no intuition library!!!\n");
- close_things();
- exit(2);
- }
- mask |= INTUITION;
- if (!(s = OpenScreen(&ns)))
- {
- printf("could not open the screen\n");
- close_things();
- exit(3);
- }
- mask |= SCREEN;
- nw.Screen = s;
- if (!(w = OpenWindow(&nw)))
- {
- printf("could not open the window\n");
- close_things();
- exit(4);
- }
- mask |= WINDOW;
- rp = w->RPort;
- vp = ViewPortAddress(w);
- InitArea(&area,buffer,250L);
- rp->AreaInfo = &area;
- trp.Size = (long)RASSIZE(640L,400L);
- if (!(trp.RasPtr = (BYTE *)AllocRaster(640L,400L)))
- {
- printf("could not allocate memory for area fills\n");
- close_things();
- exit(5);
- }
- mask |= AREAFILL;
- rp->TmpRas = &trp;
- LoadRGB4(vp,colors,16L);
- InitRequester(&AirRequest);
- AirRequest.LeftEdge = 0L;
- AirRequest.TopEdge = 0L;
- AirRequest.Width = 200L;
- AirRequest.Height = 150L;
- AirRequest.RelLeft = -100L;
- AirRequest.RelTop = -75L;
- AirRequest.ReqGadget = &quit_gad;
- AirRequest.Flags = POINTREL;
- AirRequest.BackFill = 0;
- if (!(SetDMRequest(w,&AirRequest)))
- {
- printf("could not set Requester\n");
- close_things();
- exit(6);
- }
- mask |= DMREQUEST;
- ShowTitle(s,FALSE);
- }
- close_things()
- {
- if(mask & DMREQUEST) ClearDMRequest(w,&AirRequest);
- if(mask & AREAFILL) FreeRaster(trp.RasPtr,640L,400L);
- if(mask & WINDOW) CloseWindow(w);
- if(mask & SCREEN) CloseScreen(s);
- if(mask & GRAPHICS) CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- if(mask & INTUITION) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- }